In a world grappling with multifaceted challenges, Kate Robertson emerges as a beacon of hope, championing the youth’s voice through her initiative, One Young World. Founded with the purpose of elevating young leaders, One Young World has become a cornerstone for aspiring changemakers eager to address global issues. Kate Robertson, inspired by her upbringing in apartheid South Africa, understands the profound impact of leadership on...
Margarita Howard, a prominent figure in the field of government contracting, has successfully steered her company, HX5, through the complexities of the industry for nearly two decades. As the founder and CEO, Howard has demonstrated an adept ability to balance the often-challenging roles of both prime and subcontractor in government projects. This dual capability has allowed HX5 to provide mission support services to esteemed entities such as...
Uri Ansbacher stands as a luminary in the ever-evolving landscape of modern leadership. With an approach that marries ambition with altruism, his journey illuminates how business, when guided by purpose and principle, can become a transformative force for good. The Guiding Light of Ethics For Uri Ansbacher, ethics is not merely a guiding principle but the very soul of his endeavors. He views business as a vessel to serve humanity, crafting...
If you’ve ever wondered what it looks like to juggle business brilliance, personal efficiency, and a mission to save the planet—all without dropping the ball—you’re thinking of Dr. Tony Jacob. He’s the guy turning ambition into action, chaos into strategy, and big dreams into lasting impact. Whether you’re building a business, trying to get more done, or just want to make the world a better place, chances are, he’s already three...
Margarita Howard has become a well-respected name in the government contracting industry. As the founder of HX5, her leadership has significantly shaped the company’s trajectory, establishing it as a formidable presence in federal services. Howard’s journey began with her military service in the Air Force, where she gained firsthand insights into military operations. This experience proved invaluable when she transitioned into the...
Michael Polk’s tenure at Newell Brands marked a period of significant transformation and growth for the consumer goods giant. Appointed as President and CEO in 2011, Polk was tasked with revitalizing Newell Brands, which was facing multiple challenges at the time, including stagnant sales and a diverse yet disjointed portfolio. Under his leadership, Michael Polk Newell Brands underwent a comprehensive restructuring process. He initiated...
Margarita Howard, an influential figure in the government contracting sector, founded HX5 in 2004. The company has become synonymous with excellence in providing mission support services to federal agencies, particularly in the space and defense sectors. Over two decades, HX5 has established itself as a trusted partner for government clients, offering impeccable software and hardware engineering services. Howard’s journey with HX5 began...
Don Manifold’s approach to advisory services
is grounded in respect for traditional financial principles. He believes that
core concepts such as due diligence, risk management, and strategic planning
remain essential in guiding clients toward sound business decisions. Manifold’s
understanding of these principles serves as a foundation for his work, allowing
him to deliver advice that emphasizes stability and long-term value. His
reliance on...
In 2023, Snapchat introduced My AI, a chatbot
designed to add personalized, interactive features to the app. The tool allows
users to chat with the AI to get recommendations, answers to questions, and an
additional layer of engagement. While innovative, the introduction of My AI has
raised significant privacy concerns, given the young audience that makes up
much of Snapchat’s user base. For many, My AI has become a case study in...
Kate Robertson, co-founder of One Young World, continues to shape the landscape of global youth leadership through her
unwavering dedication. One Young World has rapidly emerged as a significant
platform, bringing together young leaders to address pressing global
challenges. Under Robertson's guidance, the organization has consistently
emphasized the importance of diverse voices and innovative solutions.
The annual One Young World Summit...